Rand Paul

Rand Paul
Party: Republican
Official Website: https://www.randpaul.com/
Facebook Name: RandPaul
Facebook Category: Politician
Twitter Name: RandPaul

Facebook Popularity

Rand Paul : Campaign 2016 Message Activity

08/01/2015 through 11/10/2016

Message Activity By Policy Topic

These visualizations show the number of messages (Facebook posts and Twitter tweets) generated by Rand Paul in each policy topic over the given time period. The default presentation is set to the most popular topics (excluding non-policy messages) from Saturday, 1st August 2015 through Thursday, 10th November 2016. Use the "Select Policy Topics" button and /or the date slider to set the criteria. The "!" above a date indicates a potentially relevant event happened.

Message Activity By Message Type

These visualizations show the number of messages (Facebook posts and Twitter tweets) generated by Rand Paul in each message type over the given time period. The default presentation is set to the most popular types from Saturday, 1st August 2015 through Thursday, 10th November 2016. Use the "Select Message Types" button and /or the date slider to set the criteria. The "!" above a date indicates a potentially relevant event happened.

Most Popular Posts

These are the most popular posts / tweets from the respective platforms in the timeframe set by the slider.